• Review the Professional Year Orientation website
  • Review the Clinical Practice Handbook
  • Complete the CPAST mandatory refresher in November
  • Initiate, collect, and review Weekly Reports from the Student and Mentor Teachers.
    • Let the field coordinator know which form you decide to use for the purpose of data collection
  • Collect, review and give feedback on Weekly Lesson Plans
  • Complete 4 Observations
    • Turn observation notes into the Licensure Specialist
  • EDUC 455 course meetings 6-8 times during the semester
    • Schedule date and time with your student teachers
  • Initiate Completion of Evaluation Tools
    • edTPA for Professional Year/Clinical Practice
    • CPAST: Midterm and Final
    • LEA/IHE Certification of Teaching Capacity
    • Upload to Anthology once you receive the invitation from the administrator

EDUC 455/456 Meeting Schedules

Get the EDUC 456 Meeting Schedule from the EDUC 456 instructors. There are some days during the clinical practice internship semester that the Student Teacher will be expected to spend a full day at UNCA for the EDUC 456 class.

As the EDUC 455 Instructor, you will set your course meeting schedule. EDUC 455 typically meets between 6-8 times during the semester and occurs after school hours.

Weekly Lesson Plans

Student Teachers will create lesson plans weekly for any teaching segments for which they are responsible. The Student Teacher will need to share the weekly lesson plans with their University Supervisor and Mentor Teacher.  Please work together as a clinical practice team to set up expectations and criteria: format, how and when to turn them in, and other expectations.  Lesson plan requirements are flexible to allow for PLC and other type of planning. Student Teacher lesson plans may require more detail than what might be typical for the Mentor Teacher. Refer to the Planning and Management section of the Clinical Practice Handbook for more information.

4 Observations

The University Supervisor will complete 4 observations of the Student Teacher in the field.  Notes for all 4 observations are turned into the licensure specialist during the exit process.  In addition, 2 of the 4 observations will be used to complete the midterm and final evaluations.  Observation 2 guides the completion of the midterm CPAST. Either observation 3 or 4 guides the completion of the Final CPAST. 

There is not a required format for Observation Notes 

Initiate Completion of Evaluation Tools

Evaluations are initiated by the University Supervisor

  • Pre-CPAST
  • edTPA
  • Certification of Teaching Capacity

Some of these pages are password protected. If you forget the password, contact Rebecca Bodenheimer at rbodenhe@unca.edu

Video: Supervisor Tasks

University Supervisor Roles and Responsibilities (Handbook Section)

Each candidate will be assigned a university supervisor by the Chair of the Department of Education. Other university faculty members sometimes visit and evaluate the work of the candidate. The university supervisor meets with the candidate prior to the commencement of clinical practice for orientation. The university supervisor will observe each candidate a minimum of four times during the clinical practice experience at regular intervals; when necessary, as often as once per week. In addition to observing and counseling the candidate, the university supervisor will confer with the supervising teacher and other personnel of the clinical practice team from time to time, and meet with the supervising teacher and the candidate for the mid-term and final evaluations.  It is important that the university supervisor have an opportunity to confer with the candidate after the observations. The supervising teacher may be asked to help organize for this conference by standing in for the candidate on occasion when it is not an imposition to do so.