There is no required Google Form for Weekly Reports of the Mentor Teacher and the Student Teacher. The 2 old forms are linked below. I have also included an example of the form I use for both the Student and Mentor Teachers.

You can design your own Google Form BUT you have to make the Field Coordinator an editor of the form for data collection purposes. This data is not submitted as part of the licensure process but is documented for CAEP accreditation. Once you decide on a form, you will share it directly with your Student and Mentor teachers. If you need help with this process, let me know.

*Tip: I had the highest response rate by making a calendar invite set for every Friday with a due date of Sunday. The Google Form link is included in the invite so all they have to do is click on it from there.

Existing Forms:

Though the forms and data are linked on this page, only specific people have access to open them so you do not have to worry about your data being shared.

Past Weekly Data: For reference until supervisors decide on their current method for 2025.

Field Coordinator and Data Specialist Documents ONLY