Resolutions of Issues During Clinical Practice
Reference pgs 35 and 36 of the Department of Education Candidate Handbook
Resolution of Issues During Clinical Practice
Performance of P-12 Clinical Faculty
- The Candidate and P-12 Clinical Faculty should attempt to work together to resolve minor issues.
- In the event the Candidate and P-12 Clinical Faculty cannot resolve the issue, the Candidate will contact the university supervisor.
- The university supervisor informs the EPP Chair of the situation, and works with all parties to mediate the situation.
- In consultation with the appropriate EPP Faculty, Coordinator of Field Placements, and/or university personnel, the EPP Chair can recommend an alternative field or clinical placement or course withdrawal for the candidate if mediation does not resolve the issue.
- The EPP Chair will keep a record of the situation. This record will be considered during future clinical faculty selection activities. Where appropriate, the EPP Chair will contact the school principal.
Performance of Candidates During Clinical Practice
- The candidate and P-12 Clinical Faculty member should attempt to work together to resolve minor issues.
- The P-12 Clinical Faculty member should communicate with the university supervisor via email, phone calls and/or weekly feedback forms.
- In the case of an ongoing issue, the university supervisor and P-12 Clinical Faculty member will work with the candidate to draft a list of concerns and appropriate action steps with an associated timetable for completion.
- If the issue persists, an independent observation by other EPP Faculty can be requested or, in consultation with the appropriate EPP Faculty and Coordinator of Field Placements, the EPP Chair can remove the candidate from the placement with no guarantee of program continuation for the candidate, depending on the circumstances.
- The EPP Chair will keep a record of the situation. This record will be considered during future clinical placements.
Removal or Withdrawal of a Candidate from the Professional Year Field Placement or Clinical Practice Based on Unsatisfactory Performance
General Policy
To continue in the professional year field placement and clinical practice, candidates must achieve satisfactory professional progress and adhere to the policies and regulations of the EPP, UNC Asheville, and the school to which they are assigned. Candidates failing to perform at a satisfactory level with regard to content, pedagogy, and/or professionalism may be removed from the professional year field placement and/or clinical practice upon the recommendation of the university faculty, P-12 clinical faculty member, LEA administrator, and/or university supervisor, with the approval of the EPP Chair, or in some instances may choose to withdraw on their own accord.
Process for Removal
- The university supervisor will meet with the P-12 Clinical Faculty member and candidate in a three-way conference to determine if the problem can be resolved without removal or withdrawal of the candidate, as appropriate.
- The university supervisor, P-12 Clinical Faculty member, or candidate may request additional professional evaluations of the candidate’s performance from qualified university or school personnel, as appropriate.
- If the problem cannot be resolved, the candidate and the university supervisor will meet to determine additional alternatives, as appropriate.
- The university supervisor will recommend removal, withdrawal, or other alternatives to the EPP Chair.
- The EPP Chair, in consultation with appropriate members of the EPP and/or university, will make a decision regarding the candidate’s status.
The Licensure Contract for any candidate who is removed or withdraws from the professional year field placement or clinical practice because of failure to achieve satisfactory professional progress and/or adhere to the policies and regulations of the EPP, university, and/or school to which they are assigned will become void. The candidate may request readmission from the EPP Assessment Committee, and that a new Licensure Contract be drafted with the Education advisor, if the candidate has met the conditions outlined in the EPP’s Policies and Procedures Manual, Candidate Handbook, and Memorandum of Understanding, and the university’s policies. The new Licensure Contract will include all courses that the Education advisor deems necessary to be taken or retaken to enable the candidate to be successful in meeting DPI requirements for a Professional Level I license.