Weekly Tasks: Mentor Teacher
To-Do List
- Fill out the Weekly Report
- Collect and Review Weekly Lesson Plans
- Communicate with the clinical practice team members weekly
- Complete assessment tools
- Review Clinical Practice Handbook
Review Clinical Practice Handbook
UNCA Courses During Student Teaching
EDUC 456 Meeting Schedule
There are some days during the clinical practice internship semester that the student teacher will be expected to spend a full day at UNCA for the EDUC 456 class. You will receive this schedule from your EDUC 456 course instructor.
EDUC 455 Meeting Schedule
EDUC 455 schedules are made by the University Supervisor for after school hours. They typically meet 6-8 times as a group throughout the semester. The EDUC 455 course instructor will be the University Supervisor.
Student Teachers are enrolled in 2 UNCA courses spring semester, EDUC 455 & 456. There are some days during the clinical practice internship semester that the Student Teacher will be expected to spend a full day at UNCA for the EDUC 456 class. EDUC 455 schedules are made by the University Supervisor for after school hours. Please work with your Student Teacher to get those schedules.
Weekly Reports
Mentor Teachers fill out a weekly report form each week the Student Teacher is in the field. This is a google form that submits directly to the University Supervisor. Please be sure to choose the correct Supervisor from the drop down menu each week. Time should be set aside each week to talk with your Student Teacher about their progress.
The University Supervisor will share the link to the Weekly Report they want you to complete.
Weekly Lesson Plans
Student Teachers will create lesson plans weekly for any teaching segments for which they are responsible. The Student Teacher will need to share the weekly lesson plans with their University Supervisor and Mentor Teacher. Please work together as a clinical practice team to set up expectations and criteria: format, how and when to turn them in, and other expectations. Lesson plan requirements are flexible to allow for PLC and other type of planning. Student Teacher lesson plans may require more detail than what might be typical for the Mentor Teacher. Refer to the Planning and Management section of the Clinical Practice Handbook for more information.
Complete of Evaluation Tools
Evaluation completion will be initiated by the University Supervisor
The CPAST site is password protected. If you need the password, email Rebecca Bodenheimer rbodenhe@rbodenheunca-edu